Welcome to my absolute favorite month of the year – Halloween! And more than that, Halloween costume time!
I have big plans this time. I deeply regretted that I couldn’t do a costume last year. But, with the pandemic and all, it’s no surprise my Halloween plans fell through.
Not this year. 2021 has proven to be my year and I’m living it up. I have a very special costume planned. All will be revealed on the 31st. Stay tuned to this blog or my Facebook page. Bring snacks and your fav horror movie. It’s show time!
Meanwhile, I have the best news. My short script, Understatement, a crime story about one woman who wants to do the right thing while her friend wants to get rid of a dead body, has been picked up by Andres DB. The script will be translated to for a group of Spanish acting students. I’m honored to contribute to culture. Filming starts in November. So get your popcorn ready.
My feature horror script has been polished and it’s ready for the world. I’ve sent queries to a few production companies so far and we’ll see how it goes. One responded, the script isn’t for them although it sounds like a good story, they said. It was a lovely conversation. And that’s fine because I have to…
Shape My Halloween Costume Wig
I certainly set up a challenge for myself. I looked far and wide for the wig I wanted but everywhere I looked it would’ve cost thousands of dollars. Screw that. So I got a wig that’s the right spooky color and I’m shaping the wig myself.
Costume proved to be more complicated. Several different pieces from different stores to put it all together. My first choice for the top was sold out, but my second choice turned out to be better. It matches my new blue lipstick perfectly.
Last but not least…
Halloween Costume Prop
The one I chose is perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything better.
Wig, check.
Makeup, check.
Accessories, check.
Prop, check.
Halloween costume, check.
I’m so excited! It’s a Halloween costume I’ve always wanted to do but never got the chance until now. Looking at everything I’ve collected, it’s beautiful and spooky and wonderful. Cryptic, I know, but I want it to be a surprise. It’ll be worth it. Trust me.
View my 2019 Halloween costume here.
You can view my short script, Understatement, here.
You can also read my horror script here. A script that features a protagonist who lives with disability.
My eternal gratitude to ScriptRevolution for all the fantastic support.
If you like what you see, feel free to click/tap the little heart button on the script page. Cos I heart you.
Happy Halloween!
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