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Hi, I’m Lily Blaze. I’m here to shine a light on the darkest corners and give you a chance to fall in love with my characters.

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Writing by Lily Blaze
by Lily Blaze
Published short stories and screenplays.
History, achievements, and where you can buy my art.
How to Make Dual Dialogue Work for You
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Redbubble Shop

How Did I Get Here?
Well, it’s a long story. Are you comfortable? Good. Let’s get started.
I never planned to be a writer. Visual art was always my thing.
I’ve been a visual artist all my life. I started drawing at age two. Not well, mind you. I could draw a circle and color outside the lines. I’m so good at coloring outside the lines that I pissed off every one of my teachers. Good times.
It then took me another twenty years to develop my own writing style. Nothing happens overnight. Talent versus skill. Talent is inherent. Skill is learned. Learning the skill is worth every minute I’ve spent. I still learn new things all the time, and I love it.
After earning a computer graphic design diploma from the Multimedia Institute, I led a successful career in publishing, advertising, and marketing.
Then I developped more disability in 2004
My life, as I knew it, was over. Or was it?
Change of Plans
My focus changed. I discovered creative writing. I read and studied everything I could get my hands on. My first few attempts at creative writing are so embarrassing that I didn’t bother saving the files. I kept learning…
After publishing short stories, I fell into the amazing world of screenwriting. Creative writing is my mobility aid to continue artistic expression, regardless of chronic illness.
Is it, in spite of, or despite disability? I’m not sure, I’m still figuring that one out. The ultimate work in progress is my life.
For a number of years, I believed I couldn’t do visual arts any more because of disability. Then I discovered acrylic paint and a new world opened up for me. Acrylic enables me to be a visual artist again.
And here I am. I hope you enjoy your stay in my creative world.
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