2020 New Year’s Day | Get a Dentist!

Lily Blaze feature image 2020 New Year's

Whew! What a year, huh? Goodbye 2019, for-evah. I’ve been crazy busy in the past year and a couple of months. I haven’t posted as often as I wanted to, but seriously, busy. So here’s an update and status quo for where I’m at on the start of the glorious year on 2020 New Year’s.

Health 2018 – 2019

So, for eleven years, I was bounced around between many doctors and the conclusion was always “You have MS.” Thing was, I already knew that. I knew something else was going on, on top of the MS, I kept explaining for eleven years.

Violent seizures and vertigo attacks that dropped me to the ground and couldn’t move for two hours. I couldn’t move my head for eleven years. I had to sleep that way. Function that way in my everyday life, very carefully, one tiny step at a time. It was torture. I didn’t even realize how severe it was until after it stopped. But that’s not the point.

My point is the cause was finally discovered in October 2018. And guess what? It wasn’t MS. It was a dental problem. Once I had the dental work done that (apparently) I needed all along, seizures gone. I keep telling everyone I talk to, get a fucking dentist. It will save your life.

2019 – A Year of Ups and Downs

On one hand, it’s been amazing to rediscover life. I no longer have disabling nausea (it was dental!) when I travel and I’ve been traveling a lot.

On the other hand, I’m still having to convince a whole lot of people that the way I was before, unable to move my head, seizures, etc, is in the past. I still have MS, of course, I deal with it as best as I can. But I keep getting discrimination that simply doesn’t apply, and frankly, never did. I’m not shy. I’m not depressed. I’m not sensitive. I had a real problem that was misdiagnosed as related to central nervous system, and that’s taken care of now. Problem gone. I’ve spent since October 2018 doing everything I can to move on with my life because that’s all I want.

Alas. What are you gonna do, right? Some people get it. Some don’t.

Writing in 2019 and 2020

Now this is what’s taken all of my time. I love screenwriting but it does take a concentrated focus. I’m getting somewhere. Finished a few short scripts, now working on feature length scripts. I haven’t sold anything yet, and I don’t expect to anytime soon. It’ll happen whenever it happens. Could it happen in 2020? Well, my fingers are well-crossed.

Meanwhile, I’ve sent a few story submissions to online publishers. No clear word on that yet. As soon as I know anything, I’ll post on my blog.

My 2020 Plan

I have a simple plan. After eleven years of tortuous seizures (that turned out to be a dental problem of all things) I’ve long since learned to keep things simple. I hope to dream, and hope for the best.

One, publish more stories.

Two, sell scripts/screenplays.

Three, invest in a cappuccino maker.

Does that sound like a good plan? I think so.

2020 New Year's Cappuccino Cup
I want this cappuccino.

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